Code Camper Jump-Start SPA Now Open Source

I’m proud to announce that the Code Camper Jump-Start SPA with Durandal, Knockout, Breeze and Toastr is now open sourced on GitHub!

If you enjoyed my Single Page Application Jump-Start course, you will be happy to learn that the source code for the final SPA Jump-Start solution is now available! The great folks at Pluralsight worked with me to host the final solution of Code Camper Jump-Start (CCJS) on GitHub. You can grab the code, fork it, make pull requests, or just browse!

My SPA Jump-Start course helps you walk through and build CCJS step by step. The step by step code is exclusively available to Pluralsight Plus subscribers and the final source is now hosted in this GitHub repository.

I hope you enjoy the code and thank you for watching my courses!