Developing with the Entity Framework – Tampa Bay .NET User Group on Nov 6, 2008

I’ll be presenting the “Developing Applications with the Entity Framework” at the Tampa Bay .NET Users Group on November 6th at 6:30pm, sponsored by INETA. The location for the event is:

Microsoft Gulf States Office

5426 Bay Center Drive Suite 700

Tampa, Fl 33609

If you are in the neighborhood, please stop by. As I am with all of my INETA sponsored stops this year, I’ll be bringing some free swag to give away, too. The session summary is as follows:

Making the most of the Entity Framework involves first designing a practical Entity Data Model, understanding how to manage the model, and how to effectively interact with it through services. In this presentation I will give a brief overview of the Entity Framework and its related components, demonstrate how to design and manage an Entity Data Model using the designer tools, and walk through examples of how to interact with the model and use tools such as the standard query operators. Demonstrations will include Entity SQL with the Entity Client provider, Entity SQL with Object Services, and LINQ.