Immerse Yourself in Angular, MEAN, ASP.NET, and Gulp

Let's go to ludicrous speed! The Web is evolving at such an amazing pace that it's difficult to keep up with everything that is around us. When you have precious little time, how do you know what to focus on? One great way is to come to AngleBrackets! Next month (April 13-16) I will be joined by my friends Dan Wahlin and Ward Bell to present some awesome sessions at AngleBrackets in Orlando.

Dan and I will be presenting a full day workshop on Angular, then I'll also be presenting or co-presenting these sessions:

  1. AngularJS in 60 Minutes-ish
  2. Big Gulp! Task Automation with Gulp, Node and JavaScript
  3. AngularJS Patterns
  4. MEAN: The MongoDb, Express, Angular and Node.js Stack

AngularJS Development - 0 to 60

(Hands on - Bring your laptop!) Start things off by immersing yourself in a full day extravaganza of AngularJS with me and Dan Wahlin. Parts of our workshop, AngularJS SPA Development - 0 to 60 are hands on (so bring your laptops!). We'll be starting with the fundamentals, teaching your patterns that will make you look like a superhero, and demonstrating scalable business solutions. Dan and I enjoy teaching and a full day workshop really gives us a chance to go through a lot, give a lot of code away, and take the time to discuss why we code that way we do, so you can understand how we make our decisions and apply it to your situations.

Discounts and Free Stuff!

You can join us for the entire day and get $50 off using code PAPA when you register! And the web site says if you register for the conference and a workshop you get to choose from a Surface 2, XBOX ONE, Nexus 7.0, or a $300 gift card!

This is great event for folks who love the Web where so many awesome speakers gather including my friends Dan and Ward, Denise Jacobs, Douglas Crockford, Scott Hanselman, Scott Guthrie, Todd Anglin, Elijah Manor and many more!