Knockout JS Pluralsight Course in the Works

I love data, data binding and development patterns. So it should be no surprise that my next course to be released with Pluralsight is on KnockoutJS. I recently released an Introduction to Building Windows 8 Metro Applications course with my good friend Dan Wahlin for Pluralsight. Thanks to all of you who have been watching it! I’ve been asked what else is on my list for Pluralsight videos, so I thought I might share my current plans.

I’ve got several other ideas for courses that I’ve been working on and the one that will be released next will be a course on using JavaScript to build MVVM apps with KnockoutJS. I’m been a big fan of MVVM, separation of concerns (SoC) and structured programming, so Knockout really is a great fit for my style. If you have not used Knockout yet, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised on how powerful and easy it can be to create rich HTML5 apps using JavaScript. It’s ideal for using the MVVM pattern with JavaScript and getting the benefits of data binding, templating, and SoC. I'm using KO 1.3rc for now which seems pretty solid and soon will become the official 1.3 version of the library.

The course is currently targeted for the beginning of February 2012, mostly because the holidays are between me and the target date. But I am hoping to finish early.

After that, I’ve had a lot of interest in a course using MVVM with XAML. If the interest still holds true, I’ll be sure to put that together as well. Bottom line is that if you want a new course, be sure to vote for it on the Pluralsight voting page (a new feature on their site). You can vote for KnockoutJS here already, vote for another course, or add your own for MVVM or any other topic.

What else? I have a few others I am mulling, but I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself yet. I’m doing a lot of work with Entity Framework Code First, JsRender, JsViews, and more … but I don’t think I’ll lean towards full courses on those. In fact, I have something else in mind for those topics where I might do some tips and tricks or more specialized courses. at this point, nothing is concrete. My first goal is to get Knockout knocked out