MVVM and Prism Demo for PDC09 Silverlight Session

Earlier today I blogged about my session yesterday on Advanced Large Scale Applications with Silverlight at PDC 09. I had a great time at PDC but now that I am home and have a faster and more stable internet connection, I zipped my demo code for the Silverlight 3, Prism, MVVM sample so you can now download it from here. Feel free to take the code and use it as you will.

The majority of reusable code for the Screen Conductor pattern is in the Infrastructure project since it is generic. The code demonstrates:

  • MVVM using the marriage of the View to the ViewModel
  • The Screen Conductor pattern/technique for view navigation
  • Prism
  • Unity

You should use the Northwind database and edit the server side web.config file to point to your local copy.

I recently wrote an article for the PnP team on this topic that goes through all of the code. Once it is available online I will post its location.

And if you attended my session at PDC, thank you so much for coming! If you did not get a chance to see it, you can watch it using the recorded video of my session and see my slides here.


UPDATE: You can now download the source code for the Silverlight 4 MVVM demo that I showed in this presentation. The sample is a VERY basic MVVM app that demonstrates how to do a simple form of MVVM that can be replicated in a larger project. Thanks for your patience!