MVVM with Silverlight and Windows Phone in Orlando

I’ll be taking a trip to Florida this summer and presenting at a few local user groups. I locked up one at the Tampa Silverlight User Group (which I posted a few days ago). But I also schedulde one in Orlando for the ONETUG group The event is from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm on July 7th. Register now! Feel free to stop by early too for some casual conversation.

I'll talk about the MVVM pattern, why it exists, when it works well, and what parts you may want to use or not use. I'll also discuss common and important scenarios including messaging, child windows, testing with design timed data, dialogs, and how to apply these principals to both Silverlight desktop and Windows Phone 7 applications.

Orlando City Hall
400 South Orange Ave
9th Floor
Orlando, FL 32801

Map, directions, and registration available here