Premier of Silverlight TV

I am proud to announce the premier of Silverlight TV airing on Channel 9! You can watch the first episode right here where Keith Smith (Silverlight Group Program Manager), along with host John Papa (Silverlight Evangelist), discuss Silverlight 4's out-of-browser applications. Keith demonstrates how to set up a Trusted application using the out-of-browser features, interact with the file system, integrate with COM and debug out-of-browser applications!

The mission of Silverlight TV is to provide premium Silverlight content through exclusive interviews with the members of the Silverlight product teams, partners and community leaders. Please help us get the word out about Silverlight TV by blogging, tweeting, emailing and shouting out loud! (I can't hear you!)

Silverlight TV, Episode 1: The Joys of Trusted Out-of-Browser Applications in Silverlight 4

I’ve included a list of important links for Silverlight TV as well as a FAQ.

Key links for Silverlight TV

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FAQ about Silverlight TV:

Q. What is Silverlight TV?

A. Silverlight TV is a new show in Channel 9’s lineup. Go behind the scenes at Microsoft with John Papa and learn what the Silverlight product team is dreaming up next. See exclusive interviews with the Silverlight product team, watch how community leaders are using Silverlight to solve real problems, and keep up with the latest happenings with Silverlight. Catch the inside scoop on Silverlight with Silverlight TV!

Q. Where can I watch Silverlight TV?

A. Silverlight TV airs on Channel 9

Q. Who would benefit from watching Silverlight TV?

A. Anyone interested in technical “how-to’s”, key Silverlight features, experiences from the real applications, and great examples of Silverlight.

Q. How long is each show?

A. Each show lasts about 10-15 minutes, depending on the topic.

Q. How often will Silverlight TV air?

A. Silverlight TV runs on an bi weekly schedule, however bonus shows will air prior to major events and announcements. For example, Silverlight TV will air once a week during the run-up to MIX10.

Q. How do I request a topic for Silverlight TV?

A. Send a message to @SilverlightTV on Twitter.

Q. How can I help Silverlight TV?

A. Blog, Tweet, Email, and Shout! Let all of your channels know about the new show! Feel free to forward this information to anyone who might be interested in Silverlight.


More shows will air VERY soon!