Recent Presentation on SPA Basics

I’m working on a new course that will help folks get a jump-start on building a SPA. The course’s working title is SPA Fundamentals. I decided to present some of the early demos from this upcoming Pluralsight course at some recent events. These are early prototypes of the main app (titled “Code Camper JumpStart”)  that will be in my course, but they are a great starting point.

This post contains the  Single Page Apps presentation I gave at DevConnections (Las Vegas, NV) and Tampa Code Camp (Florida) in October 2012. Thank you to the 600+ people who attended at both venues … I had a great time and really enjoyed the questions after the sessions. The deck, abstract and samples are in this post.

Abstract is below:

Single Page Applications (SPAs) focus on delivering better user experiences with significant client-side interactions using JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS. This session explores what a SPA is, why modularity is important, how to use data binding and MVVM with Knockout.js on the client, navigation and routing with Sammy.js, and use rich data services with Breeze.js.

View more of my presentations on SpeakerDeck  here.

Sample code shown in the presentation for the SPA can be found here. (The demos require Visual Studio 2012 and you’ll need to enable package restore so they can grab the NuGet packages.)

In the meantime, if you are interested in creating a SPA you can check out in my in depth course Single Page Apps at Pluralsight, which covers dozens of topics while building a SPA from end to end.