The Nineys are Here!

Be heard! The 1st annual Niney Awards will debut at MIX ’11, sponsored by Channel 9!

Silverlight is well represented in 5 categories, so please cast your vote to show your support! It only takes a minute.

The categories where Silverlight appears are <drum roll/>

And there are 2 Silverlight entries in this category …

A little background ….

The Niney Awards celebrate great work being done on Channel 9 and in the community by developers and geeks worldwide. All of the judging is decided by the community through voting.  Voting is now open so please take a moment and cast your votes and also pass the link along to your colleagues and friends.

Nominees were determined by a panel of industry experts and influencers. The winners will be announced at a live event during the MIX ’11 conference in Las Vegas, Nevada.

There are twelve categories that include everything from Channel 9 content, Community content, web design and members of Channel 9 in the community. The goal is to highlight the efforts of those in our community who have had great impact in these areas over the past year.