Do You Dig Design? Announcing the New UX Lightning Series at MIX11

Do You Dig Design? Then you’ll want to check out the UX Lightning series at MIX11. We’ve lined up 12 expert speakers to present on various design and UX topics in a new session series we are dubbing UX Lightning. This series was inspired by a desire to stimulate creative thinking about UX in a compelling format. The result? Less fluff, less syntax, and much more creative and inspiring content!

How Does This Work? The concept is that each hour long session has a theme where a speaker presents their topic using auto-timed slides for 10 minutes, then the next speaker steps on the stage and presents their topic in 10 minutes, and this repeats with 4 different speakers over the length of a 60 minute session. If you are unfamiliar with the format, here is a great video that explains something similar. Each presenter gets your creative juices flowing for 10 minutes with slides that are synced with their presentation (no human clicker!). This means that content will flow quickly, and most importantly attendees get four times the goodness out of each session.

What’s The Lineup? We have 12 awesome presenters with some Inspiring, Crafty and Mind Bending topics. In fact, those are the titles for the sessions!

Session 1: Inspiring UX

Want to be inspired by design and UX? Catch this "Inspiring UX" lightning session with four thought provoking topics! Hear from Thomas Lewis speaking on "Why is that Monkey Not Wearing Pants?", August de los Reyes with "21st Century Design: a 10 Minute Manifesto", Corey Schuman with "Goodbye Mouse, Hello Touch", and Chris Bernard with "7 Things Developers and Designers Need to Know About UX". This session is intended to open your mind to new possibilities with design.

Session 2: Crafty UX

Designers can be crafty, too! This "Crafty UX" lightning session is packed with four topics on how to apply design skills to technology. Hear from Sara Summers speaking on the "10 Minute UX Ninja", Nathan Moody with "Conceptual Design Tactics and Techniques", Robert Tuttle with "Phidgets and Real Time Sensor Data Visualization", and Guido Rosso with "Prototyping Interfaces with Motion Graphics". Attendees will learn from these experts how to take design concepts and apply them in the real world.

Session 3: Mind Bending UX

Bend your mind and relax your senses in this "Mind Bending" UX lightning session, packed with four topics on how to think outside of the proverbial design box. Hear from Sean Gerety speaking on "What Software can Learn from the World of Magic", Arturo Toledo with "Extending the Human DNA with Design", Rick Barraza with "What Brains, Football and Hobbits teach us about Designers & Developers", and Robby Ingebretsen with "Farming for Ideas: How to Be The Most Creative You". Attendees will learn from these experts how to rethink design and UX.

<p>&#160;</p>  <p><strong><font color="#ff0000">Special thanks </font></strong>…. go out to my good friend Adam Kinney for adding his creative ideas to this design. …. gone (from Microsoft) but not forgotten <img style="border-bottom-style: none; border-left-style: none; border-top-style: none; border-right-style: none" class="wlEmoticon wlEmoticon-smile" alt="Smile" src="/wp-content/uploads/files/media/image/Windows-Live-Writer/414cb3f1b1f7_B673/wlEmoticon-smile_2.png" /></p>  <p>&#160;</p>  <p><strong><font color="#ff0000">Another special thanks </font></strong>…. to the MIX team for supporting the creative and sometimes different ideas I’ve introduced to MIX <img style="border-bottom-style: none; border-left-style: none; border-top-style: none; border-right-style: none" class="wlEmoticon wlEmoticon-smile" alt="Smile" src="/wp-content/uploads/files/media/image/Windows-Live-Writer/414cb3f1b1f7_B673/wlEmoticon-smile_2.png" /></p>