Web Sites Using Knockout.js

Lately I’ve been asked a few times to share some companies that are using Knockout.js. While many of the customers I have worked with prefer (or don’t allow) sharing of that type of information. So I asked around and Ryan Niemeyer pointed me to this google group discussion on the topic. Some were active (after verifying personally) and others were not. I also did some googling / binging (or bingling if you prefer) and in some google forums found several public sites reportedly using Knockout.js. Since they are all public and I have no affiliation with any of them, I thought I might share. After all, wouldn’t it be nice to have an active list of sites using Knockout?

Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with any of these sites or their companies. Nor do I have any control over whether they choose Knockout or any other library. Obviously, things may change over time too. I am only listing public sites that I was able to verify. I'm not claiming that any company is using Knockout internally.

Knockout.js in the Wild

Before listing them, I went to each site and turned out the developer tools in Chrome and verified that I saw knockout.js being pulled down and in use.

This list took me about 20 minutes to gather and verify. If you have any additional ones you can add to this list, please leave them in the comments. Hopefully with all of your help we can keep this growing.