Building Windows 8 Apps - Now with More Candy!

Dan Wahlin and I have updated our Introduction to Windows 8 Applications course with Pluralsight. The updates include 2 entirely new modules on building both HTML/JS apps and XAML apps with Visual Studio 2012.

You can check out the course material on the site, and the quick list of topics is below. My favorite new clip is some candy on an introduction to using MVVM with Windows 8 XAML apps in the last module.

Dan and I hope you enjoy it!

Introduction to Building Windows 8 Applications

Introduction Windows 8 Start Screen Windows 8 Start Screen Demo Windows 8 UI Windows 8 UI Demo App Snapping App Snapping Demo Charms Charms Demo App Bar App Bar Demo Summary

A Lap Around the Windows 8 Application Framework

Introduction Windows 8 App Framework Windows 8 App Framework Demo Development Choices App Lifecycle App Lifecycle Demo Controls Controls Demo Visual Studio Templates Visual Studio HTML/JavaScript Templates Demo Visual Studio XAML Templates Demo Hello World Intro Hello World HTML/JavaScript Demo Hello World XAML/C# Demo Summary

Getting Started Building HTML/JavaScript Windows Store Apps

Introduction Introduction to HTML/JavaScript Windows Store Apps Blank App Project Demo Grid App Project Demo Split App Project Demo Fixed App Project Demo Navigation App Project Demo UI Surfaces, Layout and Navigation AppBar and MessageDialog Demo AppBar and Flyout Demo Navigation Techniques Demo Controls HTML and WinJS Controls Demo - Part 1 HTML and WinJS Controls Demo - Part 2 Working with Data Templates and ListView Demo Animation Getting Started with Animations and the SDK Adding Animations Demo Live Tiles Understanding Tile Templates Tile Notifications and Badges Demo Summary

Getting Started Building XAML/C# Apps

Introduction Windows 8 Apps with XAML File New and Basic Pages Layout Aware Split Pages and the Simulator Grid Apps, Flip View and Grouped Lists Controls Overview Adding Controls to a Page Unified Approach to Events Wiring Up Event Handlers Working with Data Data Binding Scenarios MVVM and Data Binding Styling and Visual States 3 Types of Styles Re-Templating Controls Visual States Animations Child Transition Animations Applying Theme Transitions Applying Theme Animations Summary