Why Angular 2 ? A Rapid Fire Q&A Session

Why should we be using Angular 2? What's all the chatter about? It can be difficult to keep up with the fast paced Web, so we all need tools to help us filter out the noise and focus on the things that add value. That was our intention behind this webcast on Angular 2 from Pluralsight.

We had such a large attendance that we all nearly broke the webcasting tool. Seriously. OK, so that never should have happened, but lesson learned.

Not to worry, though. We covered a lot of ground on why we should all be looking at Angular 2 and some extremely valuable tools like the Angular 2 style guide, code snippets, CLI, and codelyzer.


When it was time to start the Q&A session, I opened the question list from the attendees and there were over 1000 questions! Therefore I began a wickedly fast paced Q&A at the to cover as many of them as I could get to :).


If you missed the Angular 2 webinar, or just want to watch it again, you can do so here.

We also included a links to all of the resources including the tools above, my latest Angular 2 course, and a free live coding demo from ng-conf!

Original Webcast Description ...

There's been an awakening in the Web. Angular 2 has arrived and now's the time for you and your tech team get on board. Learning the key features to help you successfully build Angular 2 apps can dramatically transform the way your developers tackle large-scale projects. Knowing where to start, which projects you should begin with and how to get your tech team started on an epic journey.

Join Pluralsight author, John Papa, in this live webinar, where we'll create an Angular 2 app from scratch and add components to track Star Wars characters.
The data may be needed throughout the app, so we'll create a shared service and use dependency injection to access it from the components. We'll also cover accessing data via HTTP, using metadata to describe components and the new templating and data binding concepts in Angular 2. You may not walk out a Jedi, but you will feel the power of the force.