Gil Fink talks with Dan and Ward about using React, how he got D3 to work within React, advice on hooks, and wrapping third party elements.

const podcast = { 
  episode: bonus,
  title: 'React in the Enterprise with Gil Fink',
  topics: [ 
    'react', 'enterprise', 'apps',
  guest: 'Gil Fink'
  hosts: [
    'Ward Bell', 'Dan Wahlin'

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  • 00:29 Guest introduction
  • 02:28 How are you using React?
  • 10:11 Sponsor: Ag Grid
  • 11:12 How did you make D3 work within React?
  • 22:30 Don't make everything a hook
  • 30:22 Sponsor: IdeaBlade
  • 31:26 Wrapping third party elements
  • 39:06 Final thoughts